we can see the forest

Hi to all our guinea pig friends — this is H — and I’m M!


H is coming out of the forest to join me (M) as I eat hay.

Today we wanted to share the most marvelous improvement to our piggie pad (humans know this as a cage for some reason…)!  Yes, H, we wanted to show everyone our forest!  We overheard our human, Teresa, talking with our grandhuman, and they decided they wanted us to have one.  They were inspired by one they saw online: the guinea pig market “fleece forest”.  At first, they considered buying one, but then they found a fleece blanket they weren’t using and decided to experiment.  This is what they came up with:


Our grandhuman is holding our forest before it’s put in our piggie pad (or cage).

They put it in a corner of our piggie pad and connected it to the grating with cable ties and bent a wire hanger to hold it up over the hypotenuse — it worked!  And we love it!  We popcorned for an hour when our humans installed our forest in our piggie pad.


More forest, more hay, more eating. Life is good!

Now I prefer to eat with half of my body hidden. Yes, M, and I like being able to zoom through it when it’s time for my floor exercise.  We both like doing that, H!  True. It’s great for hiding and zooming!  We give it a hearty WheekWheek of approval!  And two paws up!  Well, four if you count that I give it two paws up, as well… WOL (Wheek out loud), M.


Here you can see a better view of the forest as H eats some timothy hay.

In closing, we’ll add this last little video that our human, Jesús uploaded of us a while back just for fun.  We just wanted to show a little bit of how our gymnastic floor exercise routine looks.  Now you can imagine us as we race through our forest, too!

Happy running and eating — and popcorning in your forests!



movie nights H&M style!

Hi guinea pig friends!  This is H and I’m M. 


H is watching a movie while sitting on our human, Jesús.

If you haven’t noticed from our opening picture — movie nights are the theme of today’s post.  We love when our humans watch films with us. Or tv shows, H, because we’re super into Veronica Mars right now.  Oh, so you’re admitting you like what our humans watch, M??  Yeah… Guess their taste isn’t so bad after all!  Well, let’s hope not since they make short films themselves.  They’re very excited about their most recent episode of their own seriesJesús even wrote a post on his blog about it.  Silly humans!  Guinea pigs are far more important, obviously!  Yes, H, back to our movie nights!


Another movie night setup. This time we’re at our grandhuman’s house. Notice the top is enclosed to keep out our feline friend, Charlotte.

Each house we visit we have our own special setup for movie nights.  At the vacation house and at home in NC we get to run all around our fleece blankets between Jesús and Teresa. And you can see that at our grandhuman’s house we have a run that’s covered to protect us from Charlotte the catIn general we have fun because we get to explore and play with our humans.


Here we are at home in NC watching a movie with our human, Teresa.

Hope you enjoy your movie nights! WheekWheek, H!



dedicated to our green tunnel (and other green things)

Hi to all our guinea pig friends — I’m H and I’m M!


This is M at the edge of our green tunnel. Since this post is in appreciation of it, we thought it appropriate to start with this pic.

We want to talk today about something we use often in our piggie pad (or cage for the uninitiated in guinea pig lingo). Yes, H, and we’d like to remedy the fact that it goes unmentioned and taken for granted.  Today we honor our green tunnel!  Besides being a fixture of all the piggie pads we’ve had, we like that it can change shape.  Every time our humans change out our fleeces and towels they put the green tunnel back in a different configuration.  Thank you, tunnel, for being your flexible, bendy and green self.  It has been a treat to run into you and hide from our humans, Jesús, Teresa and our grand and great-grand humans, whenever they try to pick us up. We hope fervently that even though we’re growing bigger every day we’ll continue to be able to run through you for a long time.  Oh M, I wouldn’t worry too much about that — I overheard our humans Jesús and Teresa say that they would get us a bigger tunnel if we outgrew our current one. Phew, H, that’s a huge weight off my mind!


We don’t want to shortchange H’s face time — here she is showing off her “inquisitive” look 🙂

We also want to thank briefly other green things that make up such integral parts of our lives. First and foremost is kale.  You’re so right, M, kale is our favorite leafy green by an alfalfa-slide (or landslide for the humans out there).  And then there’s timothy hay, H.  The holy grail of piggie food, yes.  We must pay tribute to our hay — M — shout this with me on three: 1, 2, 3: hip, hip hayray!  I’ll wheek to that, H.


And here’s M with two green things at once: the tunnel and some kale!

This is our green trinity.  Do you other guinea pigs out there have other green things you love?  We’d be interested to hear your favorite green items.  In any case, we hope you have fun tunnels to run through, yummy kale to snack on and oodles and boodles of hay for your eating pleasure.  Wishing you all a green-filled day!



PS – we just thought of a fourth green thing we love: green peppers!